Mobile devices are quickly becoming devices powerful enough to run personal computers with the advancement of wireless and mobile technology.…
IT projects follow established management methodologies governing the life cycle of the project. It is commonly accepted that the development…
In this paper we report our experience in designing, developing and evaluating new didactic methods, in order to help students…
We have developed several tools to allow instructors analyzing students’ interactions in a Course Management System. In this paper we…
Abstract - As education is becoming more expensive and less affordable, educators need to find ways to make education more…
In recent years, with the vigorous development of information and communication technology, industrial, governmental, academic circles lay more emphasis upon…
This paper describes the innovative, adaptive and intelligent techniques, supported by the Web-based adaptive educational hypermedia system called MATHEMA. The…
The study attempts to build a collaborative virtual reality learning system (CVRLS) for medical education.The CVRLSwas designed by using Xj3D…
A new curriculum together with a novel educational software was designed and developed to teach the physical concept of energy.…
School leaders from eleven middle and seven high schools implementing ubiquitous computing programs in the United States, participated in focus…